
We are so grateful for our Lincoln Elementary neighborhood!  We understand our neighbors navigate heavy pick-up and drop-off traffic each day and sometimes hear elevated noise levels coming from active Bulldog recess times. We sincerely thank you for your understanding day-to-day.

We do have a few reminders for our neighbors as we prioritize the safety of our staff and students.  

  • The side parking lot to the south of the Lincoln Elementary campus is marked with signage reserved for Lincoln staff between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. each weekday. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring our staff can access this parking during the school day. 

  • Lincoln Elementary is the host site for the GPS after-school program, therefore our school campus operates until 5:30 p.m. each evening. So, for the safety and supervision of the students enrolled in this program, we ask that neighborhood children refrain from using the Lincoln playground and campus until after 5:30pm. Program staff will ask children to leave if they are observed playing on campus while the after-school program is in session. 

Again, thank you for your cooperation in creating a safe and accessible environment for our Gering students and staff.