GJHS Parents...do you struggle when your child sits down to work on their homework and they need help with math homework? Introducing Math Assist Live! On Sunday evenings from 7:30-8:30 pm your student will have access to a LIVE GJHS Math teacher to assist with math homework. Students can log in and ask questions, work through problems and collaborate with other students.
This FREE program is available to all students in grades 6-8. Save the date: Math Assist Live starts Sunday, January 23, 2022.
Instructions on how to log in.
From school-issued Chromebook:
- Log into your Chromebook with student login information
- Click on the Google Classroom icon
- Find the “Math Assist Live” classroom that has been shared with your student
- Click on the “Math Assist Live” class link to enter the class
- Click on Google Meet link to join the live meeting
- Please note: If the Math Assist teacher has not yet started the meeting, you will get an alert message. Math Assist Live times are Sundays from 7:30-8:30 pm
- Click “Join now” to be added to the live Google Meet session
From home computer:
- Visit classroom.google.com
- Login with your GJHS student login information
- Find the “Math Assist Live” classroom that has been shared with your student
- Click on the “Math Assist Live” class link to enter the class
- Click on Google Meet link to join the live meeting
- Please note: If the Math Assist teacher has not yet started the meeting, parents will get an alert message. Math Assist Live times are Sunday evenings from 7:30-8:30pm
- Click “Join now” to be added into the live google meet session