Last year, we implemented a new quarterly "checkpoint" to help further support students academically with the creation of an Academic Focus Day. This proved to be very effective, especially at the middle and high school level. So, again this year, we have designated an Academic Focus Day for GPS students on Wednesday, March 6th.
Full Day PreK & Elementary
- School will release at 11:30am
Gering Middle School
- Any student failing 1 or more classes will be required to report to school to receive the extra support and/or intervention needed to improve.
- Students will be notified on Monday, March 4th if they need to attend.
- For reference, the grading cut off date to determine if a student needs to attend is Friday, March 1st at 3:30pm.
- Students in attendance will be released at 11:30am
Gering High School
- Any student who is chronically absent (10 or more days for the semester), or students who have an "F" in a course, or are missing 5 or more assignments will be required to report to school to receive the extra support and/or intervention needed to improve.
- Students will be notified on Tuesday, March 5th.
- For reference, the grading cut off date to determine if a student needs to attend is Monday, March 4th at Noon.
- Students in attendance will be released at 11:30am