Reconnect with Bulldog Alumni during Oregon Trail Days and show off your skills! Help support the current Boys Basketball Team through a Gering Alumni Basketball Tournament
When: July 22nd beginning at 9am
Where: Gering High School
Who: GHS Alumni, Gering Parents, GPS Staff, Gering Residents
Cost per player: $35 (Tee-shirt included if registered by July 8th)
The tournament is double elimination, so each team is guaranteed 2 games.
Our goal is to create an annual tradition that fosters a sense of pride and community spirit around the Gering basketball program. As we know, being a Bulldog is all about passion, GRIT, and pride, and we hope this event will embody those values and become a tradition for years to come. Come out and enjoy the fun of reconnecting. #OnceABulldogAlwaysABulldog
Questions, contact Coach Trey Winkler at