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GHS Athletics & Activities
Welcome Bulldog Nation and thank you for sharing your Bulldog Pride! With our state-of-the-art facilities built on a storied tradition and history of excellence, students at Gering High School have the opportunity to participate in a wide array of athletic and activity programs. Join us in the stands and cheer on your Gering Bulldogs!
Fall Sports
Football - Head Coach, Danny O'Boyle
Volleyball - Head Coach, Amanda Cochran
Cross Country - Head Coach, Rick Marez
Boys Tennis - Head Coach, Ron Swank
Softball - Head Coach, Zach Ostergard
Girls Golf - Head Coach, Jessica Boswell
Winter Sports
Boys Basketball - Head Coach, Trey Winkler
Girls Basketball - Head Coach, Brittany Macias
Girls & Boys Wrestling - Head Coach, Jarred Berger
Swimming - Vanessa Woolsey
Spring Sports
Track - Head Coach, Rick Marez
Girls Soccer - Head Coach, Krista Wiedeman
Boys Soccer - Head Coach, Chris Guadarrama
Boys Golf - Head Coach, Danny O'Boyle
Girls Tennis - Head Coach, Ron Swank
Art Club - Sponsor, Carol Propp
Band - Sponsor, Emily Hauck
Book Club - Sponsor, Annie Boggs
Cheer Team - Sponsor, Marisela Blanco
Choir (Harmony) - Sponsor, Andrea Tritt
DECA - Sponsor, Broc Brown
ESports - Sponsor, Rick Marez
FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FFA - Sponsor, Alicia Keller
German Club - Sponsor, Andy Stobel
HOSA - Future Health Professionals - Sponsor, Mai Lee Olsen
Key Club - Sponsor, Amanda Cochran
Leo Club - Sponsor, Lisa Freeburg
Mock Trial - Sponsor, John Boyd
National Honor Society - Sponsor, Amanda Diedrich
One Act - Sponsor, Denise Jensen
POMS Dance Team - Sponsor, Lisa and Sheridan Blanco
Samsung Solve for Tomorrow - Sponsor, Aaron Pierce
El Barrio Spanish Club - Sponsor, Henry Herrera
Speech Team - Sponsor, Tyler Thompson
Student Council - Sponsor, Matt Salomon
Quiz Bowl Team - Sponsor, Amanda Cochran

Shawn Seiler, Activities Director
Student athletes much have a physical on file each year they compete in an activity