GHS Counseling Office

Welcome to the Gering High School Counseling Office! The GHS Counseling team is here for you, Bulldogs! If you are looking for information and cannot find it within this page, please don't hesitate to reach out directly to GHS Counselors - Rick Marez, Amy Dunn or Amanda Diedrich.

Course Registration

Each spring, incoming 9-12 grade level students meet individually with a GHS Counselor to complete a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and map out courses for the next school year. Prior to those individual student meetings, the GHS Administrative and Counseling team host a Family Registration Meeting to outline changes for the coming year and the registration process. To view the presentation, click the link below and additionally, the course map guide for grade level class options is available on the ACADEMICS page of our website.

Scholarship Information

We understand that the scholarship process can feel a bit overwhelming, please remember your counselors are here to help. There are a wide variety of scholarships to help create opportunities for students. No matter what your academic history or future plans are, there are options for what's next. Please contact your counselor with any questions or concerns while you navigate your next adventure.



Request A Transcript


and email it directly to or contact the Registrar at 308.436.3121

ACT Testing


  • Pre-ACT (All Sophomores) - TBD

  • ACT State Assessment (All Juniors) – TBD